

If you use the Galaxy Brain service (including its website, which you’re visiting right now), you agree to the following terms:

  1. You won’t use the service for anything described in ‘Disallowed usage of our models’ in OpenAI’s usage terms
  2. You won’t use the service programatically, i.e. by creating requests to the service that don’t originate from our app
  3. You won’t intentionally overload the service
  4. You may attempt to intentionally hack or break the service, but get written permission from me beforehand (this doesn’t apply to unintentional discoveries). Please do me a favour and report anything that’s broken 🥰
  5. We might change the limits or cost of the service at any time, including completely ending the service or removing your access
  6. The service or its operators aren’t liable for anything negative that incidentally arises from your usage of the app.

If you don’t follow these terms, we’ll end your access to the service. Additionally, for clause (1), OpenAI may also revoke your access to their service via our service at any time.