
Privacy Policy

To the best of our knowledge, and as of @August 20, 2023, this is what data flows through the app:

  • 🗒️ Notion: We use Notion to access the content of your Notion workspace
    • We are able to access to the content & metadata of any pages/databases/etc. you share with the integration, the structure of the page tree for those pages, metadata (names, profile pictures, emails, etc.) on all users in the workspace (including yourself), and metadata on the workspace (including name and profile picture; although these are publicly accessible).
    • To operate the app, we access the content of every page/database/etc. that you share, your name, profile picture, and email address, and the workspace’s name and profile picture.
    • We send the content & properties of the pages/databases/etc. you share to OpenAI. We don’t store this data directly anywhere, but we do store the returned vector embeddings.
    • We send your name and email address to Sentry and PostHog to assist us with tracking users. We store metadata on you and your workspace with Cloudflare.
    • We are not able to edit or comment on your Notion content.
    • We are not able to revoke your Notion workspace’s integration with our app on request. To do this yourself, follow these instructions from Notion.
  • 👁️ OpenAI: We use OpenAI to generate vector embeddings of your Notion data. You also directly connect with OpenAI to operate Galaxy Brain, by proxy.
    • We send your shared Notion content to OpenAI to generate vector embeddings, then store those embeddings. We also send your user ID, to help OpenAI manage abuse of their services—this user ID contains no identifying information.
    • We are unable to revoke any of this information on request. You’ll need to contact OpenAI.
  • 💳 Stripe: We use Stripe to process payments & manage subscriptions
    • We create a record in Stripe for your user when you log in with Notion. Currently, we don’t do anything with this information.
    • We send your Notion email address to Stripe to identify you, as well as your user ID (which contains no identifying information).
    • We duplicate this information in Cloudflare for easy access.
    • On request, we’ll delete any data related to your usage of the service from Stripe. Please email huw@galaxybrain.chat.
  • 🌥️ Cloudflare: We use Cloudflare to host the service, store data, and manage abuse
    • Any content that flows through the app will flow through Cloudflare’s services.
    • We use Cloudflare’s storage services to store:
      • Metadata about you and your Notion workspaces (outlined above)
      • Preferences & settings
    • We can’t guarantee where your data will be stored within Cloudflare’s network.
    • On request, we’ll delete any data related to your usage of the service from Cloudflare’s storage services. Please email huw@galaxybrain.chat.
  • 🦔 PostHog: We use PostHog to understand how you use the app
    • The PostHog web clients automatically collect information on how you interact with the app. We also manually collect such information, as well as linking it to you via your name and email address (collected from Notion), and your user ID (which contains no identifying information). We do this linking to make it easier to contact you when we want to improve the product.
    • The PostHog clients may accidentally record additional information about you, or messages you enter into the chat. They shouldn’t be able to record information from your Notion workspace.
    • On request, we’ll delete any data related to your usage of the service from PostHog. Please email huw@galaxybrain.chat.
  • 🏰 Sentry: We use Sentry to understand the performance & reliability of the app
    • We will collect information on errors encountered while using the app, as well as randomly sampled information on the performance of the app.
    • This data will be linked to your email address (collected from Notion), and your user ID (which contains no identifying information). We do this linking to make it easier to contact you when we want to improve the performance & reliability of the product.
    • The Sentry clients shouldn’t be able to record additional information about you, messages you enter into the chat, or information from your Notion workspace.
    • On request, we’ll delete any data related to your usage of the service from Sentry. Please email huw@galaxybrain.chat.